Exclusively Selected Offers Home Page

Candice Gunstream Wine Membership club Grand Cru Member

Welcome to the best-hidden secret of the internet: Exclusively Selected Offers. Here you will find lots of uncommon knowledge and information technology in the 21st century. We searched high and low and discovered some of the very best the internet has to offer. I gather and post it all in one spot right here for you, my readers. If you can bookmark this site? The easy way to do this is [CTRL]+D, which will BOOKMARK this Page for you to find easy next time.

Subscribers Gain with Us Always

You can also subscribe to my updates, which is offered to the right on each page. It is free to my subscribers and you can unsubscribe anytime you want. I create new pages all the time. You can find the latest that the internet has for opportunity and the top-rated products right on my site. I am always giving away for free need to have items that can change your life and or discounts that are exclusively through us here only place you’ll find the opportunities we offer to the world. Don’t forget to check back here and there. Like right now when you subscribe I will give you one of the Top Authors on the Market today his first book he published about 6months ago. “Marketing is Freedom”, by Rory Ricord.

helping hand

This is the place that I can share my thoughts. Give my opinion and not get kicked off or told I’m wrong, it’s my opinion and my site. And how I view the world, and how it affect me.

Do you waste time searching for effective dietary supplements? Product that you can trust? Or On the other side of the Spectrum no more wasting countless hours searching for financial investment services, you can trust with your life. No, more! You have found it all right here on Exclusively Selected Offers with RR117.com. All your needs, all in one place right at you’re fingertips.

You ask why?

You ask why would someone do so much for others and not ask for payment? Why would one lady have so much good to share? Or is this real? Or this is to good to be true?

The answer is no it is not. I have always been different then most people I have been told this my entire life. And it isn’t that I am different in a bad way; just that I give a lot to others without thinking what’s in it for me. It hasn’t always been a mutual thing as most people are the opposite. It’s either what’s in it for them or we both take and give evenly. I have always gone above and beyond for others. Most of my family and friends don’t understand why I wear my heart on my shoulders or why I am so vulnerable to allow someone to take advantage of me more than once? But that’s not it, I see the world through my eyes which I believe we can change people through going above and beyond for one another one person at a time.

Not my Place To Judge Only the Man Above Can Judge

That’s not it. I know I am no one’s judge. He above and all around will judge you and when it is your time you will pay and most likely pay hard. So I don’t need to waste my time or energy on trying to get them back or make them pay for it. That is God’s job and believe me God has my back and has proven that to me in so many ways that I don’t ever have to question his LOYALTY!

Sharing Opportunity with the Right people does Matter

So For the first five almost six years I was building websites and training others how to use the internet and other peoples products to share and market different services and products to my consumers. I didn’t release you know what I do want a certain type of person. I honestly I thought by training and repetition of the skills I know and have learned I can eventually train and teach the most broken mindset person how to become positive and be a self starter, go getter and someone who takes actions. Stops the excuses and doesn’t give up until they succeed with there business. Then 2021 came around and that one student took advantage of my kindness and it set me back.

You know I am constantly adding and updating my site with information, opinions, and details about new things coming out online all the time.  My goal is to lead the online community with the best source of What the world offers and just as I mentioned before all in one place available to you.

Why? Because that is what I do best.  I find them; I add them, and I share them all here. This site is your “inside” source for new things at the Best Price that can make a difference in your life.  From your needs, wants and entertainment (something we all want more of all the time). Don’t forget to BOOKMARK this PAGE now before you read any further, only because you never want to lose access or where to find me. Sign up to receive the monthly newsletter each month and be added to my email list. When new offers become available, you’ll be the first to know.


There are several things on this site that can enhance and improve your life.  

Crypto currency Opportunities Like this and More!

mining watch

Gain more knowledge and information by connecting with me, and I will share our team meeting link with you . You can also gain by looking at other services we offer free to ALL that pay you to use the service. Go here and learn EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! By going here you can also you can also sign up. Or fill out the form and subscribe to my newsletter with updates on all of our amazing offers.

Our community loves to share and welcome new members to our online community daily.

Don’t stop HERE, what I’m about to share with you is almost too much to take in so I hope your sitting. This will blow your mind. It‘s a MOVEMENT and a Life-Changing way of Living. Be sure to check back often and be sure to browse through our various categories of information.  This is something that is growing all the time, and it is all here for you, my valued friends, and viewers.   


From amazing information and access to ways to make life better – doing it where you save money. Have access to things that only help you live better, live a richer life, and live a healthier life.

Exclusively Selected Offers Favorite Finds:

Employment and Online Opportunities

Exclusively Selected Offers

I have been trying to cover several areas of interest and will be adding some unique ones in the days to come.  New Stuff happens all the time… So keep up-to-date and posted.  Some of them have time limits to their availability, so be sure to register so you’ll get the Email notifications when this is happening. Register to the Right. Thank you.

One of my favorite finds is Our Wine Club.  You can see this amazing opportunity in a few of the categories: health and fitness, and SHG. Each of them is a little different.

You will never have to search anymore on the internet for a job or how to make money; it is all right here. One place I have located is the best of the best and wonderful products might I add. Just look around, you see. It a large community of people who want to make life better for everyone else. I work every day to help others believe in themselves and take action. They must change their mindset first. To grow and become the very best version of ourselves we must have an open mindset first.

One of the top moneymakers we have is our Wine Membership Club. What do you need to become a Member? How much money you truly can make selling wine?

Ending this Intro with… The Only Place Exclusively Selected Offers can be found with a Community

Please share your opinion and I always welcome comments.  Your insight matters!  I love to hear what my readers think about what I am saying.

You never know what you’ll find. There is always something beneficial for anyone and everyone.  These are products and services I use or have tried myself. When they work, and the savings are there, I just add them to my lists of other great services. All of these are located in their proper categories (see to the left).

So I hope you have just as much fun seeing what is in store for you here, as I did finding them for you and putting them all together in one resource

Thank you for stopping by Exclusively Selected Offers. Keep coming back for more.  I am here to make your life less stressful. Please email me at any time.  Email is located at the bottom of each of my pages.  I’ll keep you up to date with new stuff and cool things found and available online all the time.

Community Sharing opportunities

Community Sharing opportunities. We welcome you to our online community. As a member of our community. We are delighted to serve you, whether this is your first or thousandth visit. Sharing and making Exclusively Selective offers, more accessible online is one of our primary goals. Because you are a member, you have constant access to the “hottest” internet findings, thanks to the network and linked community that we are a part of. Impact is requesting that I add this link segment to my site in the first paragraph on my website with my URL next to it, Please excuse this sentence. Thanks for understanding. To all my readers Impact-Site-Verification: 3379927c-9864-4393-b1cc-c6c073277b5f https://rr117.com.

Sharing opportunities as our Community grows together here

Community Sharing opportunities, Get Your Access Here it has Benefits:

There are several advantages that are accessible to you as a member of our community because of our extensive network. First off, you always have direct email contact to us and our Community Support Team if you need information. We have a system, which is not a suggestion. Some of you might wish to engage more actively, in which case we communicate with your students daily through the phone, Skype, and Zoom Training. And only in the ways you need and want. Second, just REGISTER with us and react to any of our emails to engage with us about anything in our community system (including the highlights below).


To Get Registered, reach out to me on (760) 422-5655 or simply complete the information to the right of this Post. ====================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Benefits of being part of our Online Business with a Community Include these Highlights:

With the help of our community programs, we get to benefit the entire family and the family’s economy. We offer a program that is accessible to community members who meet the requirements. With this program, you may earn $750 every month for nothing out of pocket. This allows you to participate in additional income streams. Furthermore, it guarantees at least 6 months’ worth of continued payment into your bank account, and most go for as long as 2 years. Some are even longer my first round went about 3 years. It’s amazing.

List of Programs and Tools we use to create the best Community Sharing opportunities and experience on the internet below

Sharing Opportunities within our Community equals help and guideness through our step by step system
  • The goal of this community is improvement. Improving the standard of living for families globally.
  • Technology is causing the world to change, and we are here to share, educate, and promote the new!
  • We are engaged and up-to-date on all the latest Technology trends and programs.
  • Are you looking to be part of the best Elite Travel community and if you Join at top membership pack or one below you are given a Week long vouchure to almost any exotic location all around the world take a look its unbelievable and we get that for free every year Im taking my sons and grandbabies to Hawaii this next summer 2025 zero cost to me other than our flights for 2 weeks. Check it out here.
  • Everyone who wants to learn the “Art of Performance Blogging” has access to training and assistance from us.
  • Our VIP program is Top Notch reach out to me direct after you watch this video if interested, we will get your payment set up with our progressing department- Access will be done go https://rrr247.com/vip.
  • Additionally, our goal is to inspire and educate people on how to use the Internet and marketing to generate cash.
  • Find Out More Here. Reply to any of our emails from our registration system when you are ready. This enables us to start you out or to provide you further information.
  • We offer the top Health and Nutrition Finds accessible.
  • You’ll observe that we consistently seek for natural solutions. making use of what God and nature supply.
  • In this Health and Wellness area, some of the most incredible science and partnerships are partnering with us to share what they are offering to the world through our Marketing house.
  • Make sure to look at the category for health & fitness on the left. The other Categories are also included. So many great things may be found there.
  • Everyday, we add New Incredible Finds. And we are expanding the opportunities we offer to support families, their time, and their financial freedom.
  • Always updating my trainings on my YouTube Channel here’s my handle https://www.youtube.com/@candicegunstream-rr117

System in Effect

We have a System that is not a suggestion, what that means is we have proven our system to work over and over again. If you do what we do you get what we get, so follow the system. We have many protocols in play once again because they work don’t try to change things. We have scheduled Meetings every Tuesday and Saturday. Where we share the latest and greatest on the internet.

We have top notch automation systems to help us with our daily work we do. Our calendar system that we share so we can power through and build our teams on the same page everyday. We have a process that each and every one of us follow. With a step by step training to follow while watching the video training too.

Leaders Training by Paying-It- Forward Sharing Opportunities

The best part is we provide some of the industry’s best Instructors to each of the Students at no extra charge. They literally do it on a Pay-it-Forward basis and don’t make money until you make money. So guess what they do all they can to try to help you get up and generating revenue as quickly as you are ready to. All on your actions. What are you waiting for join us and start having Financial Freedom.

Sharing Opportunities with our Family and Community are One.

Enjoy the numerous pages of online discoveries. We passionately construct and sustain this. By exchanging fresh ideas and strategies for improving the home, we are fostering a better world.