Numerologist: The meaning of your numbers!

Numerologist: The meaning of your Numbers! The meaning of numbers what do you think this is about? Numbers I love numbers. I believe that numbers or math is one of the only subjects from school that go with you your entire life.

Our Obsession with Mathematics, Geometry are just a few of the different signs throughout our lives that can say much more about us as individuals than we ever have given credit to.  Other then there are just some people that are good with numbers and there are those people that mess everything up when it comes to numbers. I am proud to say I am one of those people that are very good at numbers.

Skeptics Worldwide Look at “Numbers in Nature” For Real Answers!

The Stars What does that mean to you?

Astrology doesn’t have anything to do with our personal numbers like our birthdays or how old we are. Astrology is about the stars and which month we were born in which allows so much information and views on why we do what we do? And why things happen to us that happen. And then the same things happen to others that are born on the same day or in the same month. Then we say see were so alike because we are born in the same month. People all over the world rely on their horoscopes because they believe they plan their life out and go off of it. But the thing is they don’t even understand why they believe in it. They have no clue it has to do with the stars in the sky and actually God. But that is another story; later.

numberologist the meaning of your numbers!

Your Destiny

In life, we have different patterns that form it is in our nature and the universe.  So if you would like to stay around and enjoy some more of what I have to say or not. It doesn’t make a difference to me if you leave or if you stay.
Its already set your destiny that is! It is out of my control, but you have full control of it. If you do stay and read on you’ll see how you can take full control of your Destiny!

What do Your Six Numbers Mean?

On the website, John the Author of this book states what each of the six numbers means and what their purpose is. The six numbers covered in this book are arguably the most important Numerology numbers and give you a fantastic introduction. Want to know a little more? Here are the numbers you will learn about.  He states exactly what you are about to read. Which is what Numerologist: The meaning of your Numbers.

Numerologist the meaning of your numbers!

“Number One: Your Life Path Number”

The first number is called your life path number and is arguably the most important number in your entire Numerology chart. This number is most important because it determines how enjoyable and fulfilling your life can be. Use it to understand what you need to do to improve everything about you. How to become more grateful for what you have and how to improve your general life outlook.

“Number Two: Your Destiny Number”

The second most important number to you is your destiny number. This number determines your destiny so it can be very useful.

“Number Three: Your Power Name Number”

 The third main number in Numerology is the power name number. This is a reflection of your current name. It could be the same as your destiny number or it could be different depending on your personal circumstances.

“Number Four: The Soul Urge Number”

The soul urge number can reveal what urges you in life – so what keeps you motivated or what gives you energy and drive. This number determines your behavior and therefore is a very important personal number.

“Number Five: Your Personality Number”

Because the Fifth number is your personality number is very important as it is how you are perceived by the world. This number determines what people think of you and how they behave towards you.

“Number Six: Your Birth Day Number”

So now we have the last number which is the sixth number we will focus on is called the birthday number and is your inner source of self-nurturing. To calculate the birth number simply take the number or numbers of the day of the month you were born on.”

Numbers are everywhere on the internet look at the latest and greatest cryptocurrency. All you hear about is that cryptocurrency is going to take over our current currency. If that happens what do you think will happen with our numbers? Who knows everything could change.

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