Sausage and Egg Casserole

Sausage and egg casserole is mouth watering the kind of home cooking that just hits the spot. Family recipes and traditions are what we live for. Without special meals or gatherings, we would miss out on some really good times. Even better when you pair it with a Fine Wine from Napa Valley, California. This pairing is for Easter and my birthday, which happens every 5 years and tomorrow happens to be that special year, which is my birthday on March 31, 2024.

The first time I had this awesome Sausage , egg

cassarole was Christmas, 2018 when my granddaughter was born. My son Nathaniel and I flew to Alaska to stay with my son, his wife, and my new baby girl, Everly. That Christmas was my very first time in my life that I didn’t spend it with my mother, father, brothers, sister and grandma and aunts like I had done my entire life. It was now my time to start some family traditions of my own, and that is just what we did.

Carly, who is my oldest sons Wife and Everly’s mother. Her family had been making this cassarole as a family tradition every year for Christmas since she could remember. When we went to Alaska we had it for Christmas morning Breakfast and ate it throughout the entire day. It was amaing. Now ever since that day we have made it a new family tradition.

Here is the recipe to this amazing mouth watering Sausage Egg Cassarole


Sausage, egg cassarole paired with our Linda Horn Label winner 2023
  • 3/4 lb. ground fresh sausage
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 4 green onions, chopped
  • 1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced
  • 10 eggs, beaten
  • 16oz. lowfat cottage cheese
  • _______________________________________________
  • 1lb. Jack cheese, shredded
  • 8oz canned diced green chile peppers drained
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/3 cup butter, melted

Cooktime: 40-50 minutes Tempature: Preheated oven at 350* Serves: 12

Preparation and cooking directions:

Sausage, egg cassarole paired with our Linda Horn Label winner 2023
Sausage, egg cassarole paired with our Linda Horn Label winner 2023

Then, in a large mixing bowl mix the eggs, cottage cheese, and jack cheese with chiles. Stir together and then mix the sausage, green onions and mushrooms in with the eggs. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Cook the sausage over medium heat until browned. Drain and set aside . Next, melt the tablespoon on butter in a skillet with the green onions and mushrooms. Cook until tender.

Sausage, egg cassarole paired with our Linda Horn Label winner 2023

Next morning;

Sausage, egg cassarole paired with our Linda Horn Label winner 2023

Remove from refrigerator 1/2 hour before making. Mix in a bowl flour, baking powder and salt. Then blend in the melted butter. Next, stir the flour mixture into the egg mixture. Pour into lightly greased (or Pam) 9×13 baking dish. Bake for 40-50 minutes in preheated oven at 350* degrees. (Eggs should be set and lightly browned. Take out and set on counter to cool for 10 minutes before serving).

Pairing with our Caberant Franc 2021

Sausage, egg cassarole paired with our Linda Horn Label winner 2023

Pairing with our Linda Horn, California Cabernet Franc 2021. Only exclusive to members of our elite wine club. You are welcome to start off as a customer and get 4 bottles of wine mixed, or all reds or all whites your choice. Best is to go big which is what I did and become a Grand Cru member. You’ll get 6 Fine Wine each worth $200-$300, packaged in a Luxury box( Limited Edition while supplies last). Included with your Grand Cru order you’ll receive 24 hand selected Premium Bottles of wine, and 20% discount on all future orders, and merchandise any of our Cattle raised meats and much more. If you would like to learn more or see what else we offer go here.