Our Children Are the Future

Our Children are the Future, so we need to value every word and action they see and hear. They are the leaders of tomorrow. It starts with all of us as parents, adults, mentors, and teachers to them. We instill in kids the habits they will have for life.

Our Children are the Future  My first Published Kids book Sealife coloring Book

I was such a young mother and thought I knew it all. I guess I missed the importance of being the parent role for my children and not their best friend. Had I been more stern as their mother in their adolescence, I think it would have developed a stronger will for them to stand up for themselves and be more open as young men then they are today.

The knowledge I have learned throughout my journey these past 5 years would have given me, as a single mother, who didn’t know as much as she thought she knew back then. I give thanks to my Father every day for sharing with my sister and I the opportunity to experience and attend “Science of the Mind” or you might know it as “The Secret,” What I was about to go through the next 14 years would have destroyed any young lady. But I recovered from all of the abuse. Emotionally, physically, and mentally. I would of literally been in a crazy home had I not been introduced to it earlier in my life. So when I came across different teachings of the same beliefs I was able to grab a hold of it and use it to transform my life. I am Grateful for all my experiences that have lead me to where I am today.

Our Children are the Future

Our children are the future means more today then it ever did. The world in which we are lving in is a heavy load for any child and or Adult to take in.. So it is our duty as Parents and Grandparents to make sure we keep our children pure and away from the harm that news and social media are brainwashing are children wiith. That you must be the center of attention at all times or you are of no value. I am a strong believer of Being yourself and even working from home. I actually have worked for myself for the past twelve years and honestly I love it. I make my own rules and my limits are unlimited. We have the ability to teach our children that no matter where you grow up and no matter what race or religion you are we are all equal. We all are given the same set of tools and it is how we use them that sets us apart from others.

GrandKids and GodSon and my Nephews and Nieces

Now that I am a Grandma and have two beautiful Granddaughters I want to give them the world. They are both very lucky they have all the love they need surrounding them. I don’t get to see them much and it kills me because they are my heart and I love them so much, and hope to be able to influence them with the knowledge I have attained these last few years of my life.. It starts with what we actually teach them from the day they are born. They know nothing they see and listen to whats going on around them taking in every single last action and words we speak. What they see in their house hold is so much more valuable then I ever really knew.

Our Children are the Future An activity book series for children 2-3rd grade

I was young when I had my first son Travis. He was my best friend. He went and saw everything i did. Both my boys were my everything, and because of all my friendships throughout my life ended due to my toxic relationship with their father. My kids were all I had. And now I see that wasn’t fair to them because no child should ever have go through what I went through and to think he was right there with me through so much of it. And to have turned out the way he did. All I can say is my parents instilled some amazing morals and beliefs in me that I passed on to my son. He scares me sometimes because how much he is just like me. He is a hard worker and an amzing Father and Husband to his wife and Daughter. He handled everything daily while also going to school to get his Masters in AI technology. I am so proud of both my boys. Can’t wait to see what my youngest Nathaniel ends up deciding to do. He’s still in High SChool he’s into music, and Engineering. Hobbies are he loves to skate. I am so Grateful to be their Mom. They are my everything.

All of my little guys have inspired me to start writing my books. And I will write my autobigraphy sooner than I think.

They are what we teach them to be

One of the foremost exponents of the new biology is Bruce Lipton, PhD. He is a pioneer in connecting science and the human soul who is well-known worldwide. Bruce, a cell biologist by background, did ground-breaking stem cell research at Stanford University School of Medicine after serving on the faculty at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine.

This study showed that the environment, which functions through the cell membrane, regulates the physiology and behavior of the cell, turning on and off genes. One of today’s most cutting-edge disciplines of research, epigenetics, which studies how perception and environment influence genes, was made possible because to Dr. Lipton’s discoveries, which upended the conventional scientific wisdom that life is governed by genes.

In conclusion what we teach our children is one of the most Valuable lessons we can teach so it starts with the parents and the first 7 years of your childrens lives…

We are the soul people responsible to teach our children right from wrong. And to love them unconditionally. It’s our duty to give them the confidence they need to prepare for the real world. ANd to be equiped with all the skills and tools to go out enjoy life do what they want and live a healthy successful future. Always let them know they can do and be anything they want. Limitless possiblilites nothing should or can stop them. What they can consieve they can achieve. Also, keep a fine wine in mind when spending time with family or on special occasions.